
Newsletter Archives

July 2017 - Paris Panorama

Welcome to the July 2017 edition of our newsletter Paris Panorama!

Each month we feature an inspiring haiku poem by Anna Eklund-Cheong.  You will also find information about what’s up in Paris, our restaurant of the month with a link to the review, and an angel of the month by Rosemary Flannery. 

Bonne lecture!


Haiku of the Month

Photograph by Eric Hian-Cheong
Haiku by Anna Eklund-Cheong


What's Up in Paris

The highlight of the summer is Bastille Day, France's national holiday, on July 14.  The fireworks display at the Eiffel Tower begins between 11:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.


Our Restaurant of the Month

Photograph by Entrée to Black Paris

Located on the Saint Martin Canal in the distant 10th arrondissement, the owners and chef of Fric-Frac have taken the old-fashioned croque-monsieur (a baked or pan-fried boiled-ham sandwich prepared with Emmenthal cheese) and transformed it into a modern meal.

Follow this link and sign in to read our review:


Angel of the Month

Angel of Notre Dame, circa 1210
Photograph by Rosemary Flannery
Author of Angels of Paris - An Architectural Tour through the History of Paris

Like the notes of Gregorian chants sung within the cathedral, the angels of the portal on the right-side facade of Notre Dame ascend and descend the arches, swinging incense-burners in a rhythmic beat. Inspired by the dense ornamentation of illuminated manuscripts, the anonymous sculptors stacked every niche of the arches with angels lined up next to rows of Old Testament prophets and patriarchs.

Notre Dame Cathedral, Parvis Notre-Dame, 4th arrondissement (Metro: Saint Michel or Cité)

To learn about other angels of Paris, follow this link: Angels of Paris – An Architectural Tour Through the History of Paris.

Paris Panorama Newsletters for 2017