
Newsletter Archives

October 2016 - Paris Panorama

Welcome to the October 2016 edition of our newsletter Paris Panorama!

Each month we feature an inspiring haiku poem by Anna Eklund-Cheong.  You will also find a photograph of Paris by Raye, our restaurant of the month with a link to the review, and an angel of the month by Rosemary Flannery. 

Bonne lecture!


Haiku of the Month

Photograph by Eric Hian-Cheong
Haiku by Anna Eklund-Cheong


Paris by Raye

Looking Out from a Neighbor’s Window  by Raye

View more great photos by Raye here:


Our Restaurant of the Month

Photograph by Entrée to Black Paris

Three years ago, we stopped by Ohinéné on the advice of a friend who lives in the neighborhood where this restaurant is located.  Since then, we have returned whenever we have the desire for fine African cuisine.

Follow this link and sign in to read our review:


Angel of the Month

Photograph by Rosemary Flannery
Author of Angels of Paris - An Architectural Tour through the History of Paris

The year 1674 was a very good one for the young king Louis XIV.  Victorious in battle on the Rhine and in Franche-Comté, at the age of 30 he was hailed as Ludovico Magno, Louis the Great. In his honor, the Prevost of merchants and the magistrates of Paris hired architect Nicolas-Francois Blondel to design a triumphal arch at the former site of the medieval ramparts, which had become the new boundaries of Paris.  Etienne Le Hongre's fine low-relief sculpture features a duo of winged cherubs unfurling a finely chiseled drawing of a warship on a tasseled standard flag.  

Porte St. Martin, Crossing of the rue du faubourg St-Martin and rue du faubourg Saint-Martin 10th arrondissement (Metro: Strasbourg-St Denis)

To learn about other angels of Paris, follow this link: Angels of Paris – An Architectural Tour Through the History of Paris.

Paris Panorama Newsletters for 2016