
Newsletter Archives

January 2012 - Will the Last True Parisian to Leave the City Please Turn Out the Lights?

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In this month's Paris Insights we present Claude Dubois, a French journalist who, for many years, has been chronicling the decline of working-class culture in Paris.

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We dined at Sunugal, a Senegalese restaurant that won the coveted Marmite d'Or in 2011. Meet the owner, Alpha Diallo, who serves up conviviality and delicious food at his establishment. Read our review in this month's Le Bon Goût.

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Located in the center of Paris, plateau Beaubourg was declared Ilot Insalubre Nº 1 by a special committee in 1904. Read about what happened to this run-down neighborhood in Paris, Past and Present.

Paris Panorama Newsletters for 2012