
Newsletter Archives

April 2005 - East Meets West at Notre-Dame Cathedral

Notre-Dame CathedralOn March 4, the fourth Friday of Lent this year, an Orthodox vespers service was held at Notre-Dame during the Veneration of the Crown. Hieromonk Nestor, rector of the Russian parish under the patriarchate of Moscow, presided over the ceremony. A group of choristers directed by Protodeacon Alexandre Kedroff, cantor and choirmaster of Saint-Alexandre-Nevski Cathedral in Paris, provided vocal accompaniment. The choristers comprised members of the Kedroff Vocal Ensemble and other singers recruited for the occasion. During the ceremony, their voices filled Notre-Dame with stirring hymns from the liturgical tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Kedroff and his ensemble were invited to participate in the veneration ceremony at Notre-Dame through the initiative of the clergy of the patriarchate of Moscow.

Paris Panorama Newsletters for 2005