Monday, July 15th, 2019
Creole Chefs Share Their Culinary Heritage in Paris
As part of the mission of the Académie de l'Art Culinaire du Monde Créole (Academy of Culinary Art for the Creole World) to safeguard, promote, and defend Creole culinary culture, the Cercle Gastronomique de Chefs Créoles (Gastronomic Circle of Creole Chefs) was formed in 2016 to stimulate economic opportunities for Creole culinary entrepreneurs.
Recently, three chefs from the Circle conducted a culinary workshop with students from the University of Michigan "Paris Noir" program. They worked with the students to prepare a traditional three-course Creole meal, which everyone then sat down to enjoy.
Culinary Atelier with University of Michigan "Paris Noir" Students
Screenshot from Cercle Gastronomique des Chefs Créoles video
Click on the link below to watch a video of the experience (~6 minutes; in French):
Culinary Atelier with University of Michigan "Paris Noir" Students
I've had the pleasure of interacting with these chefs in the past.
In February 2017, Chef Stéphan Sorbon animated the first culinary event ever organized by the Academy for U.S. travelers.
Monique, Chef Sorbon, Patty and Robin
© Discover Paris!
Later that year, Chefs Tristan Tharsis and Yannis Artigny demonstrated cooking techniques during a celebration of Indo-Caribbean cuisine at the Fête de la Gastronomie.
Chefs Tristan Tharsis and Yannis Artigny at pain au beurre demonstration
© Discover Paris!
And in 2018, Chef Sorbon joined other chefs from the Circle to provide a culinary workshop for students from Dartmouth College.
Chef Sorbon cuts fruit
© Discover Paris!
As the Academy's U.S. Ambassador and Delegate, I'm looking forward to working with these chefs on future events for study abroad groups, team-building exercises, and any other occasions that provide the opportunity to celebrate Creole cuisine!