Thursday, June 21st, 2018
4th Edition of the Award Ceremony for the Académie de l'Art Culinaire du Monde Créole - Part 2
This year's Trophées de l'Art Culinaire Créole honored French Guiana for its culinary culture and traditions.
French Guiana centerpiece
© Entrée to Black Paris
Madame Rolande Chalco-Lefay, Vice-President chargée de la culture des Patrimoines et des Identités de la Collectivité Territoriale de Guyane (Patrimonial Culture and Identity of the Territorial Collectivity of French Guiana), proudly enumerated the elements that make her country's culinary heritage so rich and colorful.
Rolande Chalco-Lefay - Vice President of Patrimonial Culture and Identity of
French Guiana
© Entrée to Black Paris
The winners of this year's awards are presented below.
Trophée Entrepreneurs (Entrepreneur Trophy): for those who respect Creole culinary traditions and promote them through their preparation of traditional, modern, and innovative dishes
Cuisine traditionnel (traditional cuisine) - Muriel Michaeli (Le Battant des Lames Hotel)
Cuisine moderne et novatrice (modern and innovative cuisine) - Frédéric Cadran
Trophée Chef Traiteur Créole de l'Année (Creole Caterer of the Year): for the person who, through his or her catering activity, puts Creole gastronomy at the heart of events that do not have a Creole theme - Frantzzy Favières, (Alive Traiteur)
Trophée de l'Innovation Economique (Economic Innovation Prize): for persons that the jury wishes to honor (students, researchers, farmers, restaurant owners ...) for innovative work which is economic in nature - Alexander Tuin (Poyo Rico)
Trophée “Littérature Gastronomique” (Gastronomic Literature Trophy): for persons who contribute to the promotion of Créole cuisine through literary works - Vanessa Bolisier (Cuisine Créole)
Trophée Meilleur Blog Culinaire (Best Culinary Blog): for the best of the Web in the dissemination of Creole gastronomic information -
Mickael Boque (Cuizine Lokal)
Trophée Chef Créole de l'Année (Creole Chef of the Year): for commitment and talent in the promotion of Creole gastronomy
Jérôme Bertin (who also won the 2015 Trophée de l’Honneur and was named Ambassador of the Créole World for Young Chefs in 2018)
Trophées de l'Art Culinaire Créole logo
© Entrée to Black Paris
Trophée d’Honneur (Trophy of Honor): for persons (whether culinary professionals or not) who demystify and passionately promote the recognition of Creole cuisine
As usual, there were three winners this year:
Jofrane Dailly (Le Saint Michel Hotel / Restaurant)
Katia Desprez (Kréyol & Co)
Eric Lavalle
Prix Talent Coup de Coeur (Favorite Talent Prize): for a young culinary professional who particularly distinguished himself or herself as an emerging talent - Johan Pardonipade
Prix Spécial du Jury (Jury's Special Prize): for a person that the jury wishes to particularly honor - Dame Besson (Le gout authentique des Caraïbes)
Prix du Mérite Créole (Prize for Creole Merit): rewards services rendered in the name of Creole gastronomy: - Didier Bereau (Saveurs de Guyane)
Grand Prix de l’Art Culinaire Créole (Grand Prize for Creole Culinary Art): for a person, institution, or geographical entity (city, region…) that has particular distinction in the domain of culinary culture - Serge Fulgence
Grand Prix de l’Honneur (Grand Prize of Honor): for work in the context of safeguarding and promoting the influence and recognition of Creole gastronomy -
Henry Cyrille
© Entrée to Black Paris
Henri and Armelle Cyrille ran the Antillo-Guianese restaurant, Armelle et Henri, in Paris' 18th arrondissement for many years. They have left the establishment in the hands of their charming and capable daughter.