Entrée to Black Paris

Entrée to Black Paris T-shirts

Monique in Luxembourg Garden wearing T-shirt

Our Entrée to Black Paris T-shirts Are Now Available!

Responding to popular demand, Entrée to Black Paris has contracted with Winged Lion Printing in Pearland, Texas to produce its colorful T-shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies displaying a stylized Eiffel Tower image.

Click here to view styles and prices: https://entreetoblackparisapparel.com.

Note:  Winged Lion Printing will calculate shipping charges, which will be reflected in the price you pay when you place your order. 

Customers outside the United States should know that customs duties may be assessed upon delivery of your purchase.

Photo: Monique Y. Wells, co-founder of Entrée to Black Paris, poses in Entrée to Black Paris T-shirt in the Luxembourg Garden