Thursday, February 22nd, 2024
"Modern Paris" at the Petit Palais
Cover image: Scipion l'Africain by Marie Vassilieff, 1916 (detail)
Huile sur toile, 100 x 120 cm. Collection particulière, Paris. Courtesy
Galerie Françoise Livinec. Photo © Cornelis van Voorthuisen
After Romantic Paris (1815-1848) and Paris 1900, the Spectacle City, the Petit Palais is wrapping up a three-part exhibition series with Modern Paris (1905-1925).
The show is divided into eleven sections that cover topics ranging from the First World War to fashion designer Paul Poiret to the opening of the Champs Elysées Theater.
Artworks, clothing, model planes and cars, and jewelry are on display.
Not surprisingly, the phenomenon of Josephine Baker's arrival in France and the effect of her performance in La Revue Nègre on French society are addressed (Section 10).
Joséphine Baker, 1925
Kees Van Dongen
China ink and watercolor on paper
71.1 x 48.3 cm
Dépôt au musée Singer Laren, Meerhout
© ADAGP, Paris 2023
Photo © AKG images
The museum has organized two events that compliment the exhibition while coinciding brilliantly with Black History Month:
Rencontre avec Le Paris Noir et Histoires Crépues is a one-hour conference during which Kévi Donat of Le Paris Noir and Seumboy of Histoires Crépus will explore the paradoxes of the celebration of Black culture and the imposition of colonial rule in Africa.
It will take place in the Petit Palais auditorium on Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 4 PM.
Doors open at 3:30 PM. Admission is free.
If Rue Blomet Could Talk is a one-hour concert that celebrates the work of Black composers and artists.
Baritone and pianist Khalid McGhee, who is currently an artist-in-residence at the United States Foundation at the Cité Universitaire de Paris, will bring to life the works of John Rosamon Johnson ("Lift Every Voice and Sing"), Clarence Cameron ("White Levee Dance"), Scott Joplin ("Eugenia," "Pineapple Rag," and "Scott Joplin's New Rag"), Samuel Coleridge Taylor (Four African Dances), and Harry T. Burleigh (multiple Negro spirituals, including "Steal Away" and "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot").
Khalid McGhee
Photo courtesy of Khalid McGhee
McGhee will be accompanied by Jonathan Mutel on the violin.
This event will be held in the Petit Palais auditorium on Sunday, February 25 at 4:00 PM.
Doors open at 3:30 PM. Admission is free.
Modern Paris will be on display through April 14, 2024. For information in English and to purchase tickets, click HERE.