Thursday, December 24th, 2020
Josephine and Beyoncé - on New Year's Eve
When Oliver Gee and I did the "Intro to Black Paris" Walk Show for The Earful Tower podcast in June 2020, one of the things Oliver asked me was to which contemporary singer I would compare Josephine Baker.
As I thought about this, Oliver suggested that Beyoncé might be a good person and we proceeded to talk about similarities in the personas of these two superstars.
I later learned that Beyoncé paid tribute to Josephine in a 2006 performance at Fashion Rock:
and posted a brief blurb about Josephine on her Website for Black History Month 2014:
A 2016 article in Vogue touts the "radical power of Josephine's banana skirt" and features a photograph of Beyoncé in the banana skirt costume she wore at the Fashion Rock concert:
If you'd like to see the walking tour during which Oliver and I discuss Josephine and Beyoncé and ask me questions about Josephine in real time, join me for the
that will take place on New Year's Eve!
Three charitable organizations that support women and girls - the Wells International Foundation (my nonprofit), STEM Atlanta Women, and Gem Makers - are coming together to present an exciting, first-of-its-kind way to begin the count down to the New Year. Join us on December 31st at 12 noon ET as we prepare to say au revoir to 2020 and bonjour to 2021 with a virtual tour of Black Paris. I guarantee you’ll never experience the City of Light in quite the same way again!
Whether you want to dress up (there will be a virtual photo booth complete with backdrops for your enjoyment) or sip champagne in your pajamas, you’ll have a great time. There will be a host of pre-boarding activities and a virtual flight prior to embarking on the tour.
And there will be an after party during which prizes will be given away.
This fundraising event is perfect for anyone who was forced to cancel travel plans for Paris this year or who has never gotten around to making plans to come in the first place.
Tickets are available through December 28, 2020 at 11:59 PM.
I hope to see you there!