Thursday, July 1st, 2021
France Is Open to International Travelers - What You Need to Know
Cover image: Eiffel Tower viewed from the Arc de Triomphe
© Entrée to Black Paris
As of yesterday (June 30), France has lifted 99% of its Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. International travelers are welcome again!
Here's what you need to know if you're planning to visit in the near future.
From the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in France:
- As of June 17, fully vaccinated travelers coming from the United States (as well as minor children under 17 accompanied by a fully vaccinated parent or guardian) can enter France with proof of vaccination and a sworn statement they do not have symptoms of COVID-19 nor contact with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Currently only the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are accepted. Full vaccination occurs two weeks after the second dose of the Pfizer, Moderna, or AstraZeneca vaccine, and four weeks after the single dose of Johnson & Johnson. No pre-departure COVID test or quarantine is required.
- Travelers coming from the United States who are not fully vaccinated may also enter France and will need to present a negative COVID-19 test, either the PCR test or the antigen (rapid) test conducted within the 72 hours prior to departure and a sworn statement they do not have symptoms of COVID-19 nor contact with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Children under 11 are exempt from testing.
- French entry requirements are determined by the country where the trip originated; travelers coming from countries other than the United States should review the information under Entry and Exit Requirements at the following link: https://fr.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information/.
Once you're "on the ground," you should be aware of the following:
- According to Our World in Data, only 30% of the French population is fully vaccinated.
- Curfews have been lifted.
- Depending on where you're going and what you're doing, you may still be required to wear a mask. Therefore, it's best to keep one with you at all times.
- Many public places still require some element of social distancing.
- For indoor and outdoor events that anticipate having 1,000 or more attendees, proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test is required for admission.
Here is a brief list of activities you may want to check out if you plan to come to Paris within the next 30 days:

Patrick Rameau © Entrée to Black Paris
Second-year students at the National Superior Conservatory of Dramatic Arts will perform in Othello, directed by Patrick Rameau. The July 2 and July 3 performances will be in English. Tickets must be purchased in advance at the links shown below.
Friday, 2 July 2021 at 8 PM
Saturday, 3 July 2021 at 8 PM
Théatre du Conservatoire
2 Rue du Conservatoire
75009 Paris
Metro: Grands Boulevards (Lines 8 and 9)
Advertisement for 20th anniversary celebration of Carnaval Tropical
© Entrée to Black Paris
After its cancellation in 2020, the Paris Tropical Carnival returns this year and will take place on Sunday July 4 from 1 PM to 6:30 PM.
But due to the health crisis, the carnival will not host its traditional parade through the city. Instead, it will celebrate its 20th anniversary at the Stade Sébastien Charléty in the 13th arrondissement.
Over the years, Carnaval Tropical has become an essential part of Parisian cultural life. This festive and convivial gathering celebrates the cultures of the Antilles, French Guyana, and Latin America. It has brought together no less than 200,000 people in the streets of Paris, making it the 3rd largest event in Paris in terms of attendance.
10th anniversary Carnaval Tropical parade on the Champs Elysées
© Discover Paris
Carnaval Tropical is free and registration is required. Attendees must present a Covid-19 vaccination certificate or proof of a negative Covid test dated no more than 72 hours before the event.
Click here to reserve your place (Website in French): www.weezevent.com/ctp2021
Stade Sébastien Charléty
99, bd Kellerman
75013 Paris
Tram: T3A
Advertisement for The Power of My Hands
© Entrée to Black Paris
Suzana Sousa, an independent curator based in Luanda, Angola, and Odile Burluraux, curator at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris (MAM), have organized an exhibition of works by sixteen female artists from several English-speaking and Portuguese-speaking African countries, as well as from the diaspora.
The Power of My Hands is part of the Africa 2020 initiative. Billed as offering a glimpse of a contemporary African art scene that is rarely presented in France, it runs through August 22, 2021.
Tickets are 7€. Purchase them here (Web page in French and English): https://www.billetterie-parismusees.paris.fr/selection/timeslotpass?productId=101668823953>mStepTracking=true&lang=en
Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris (MAM)
11, avenue du President Wilson
75116 Paris
Metro: Iéna (Line 9)
Entrée to Black Paris looks forward to providing you with private guided tours and activities as soon as you're able to get (back) to Paris!
Check out our Website for our offerings here: https://entreetoblackparis.com
And get Entrée to Black Paris t-shirts for you and your crew here: https://wingedlionprinting2.com/entree-to-black-paris/
Monique at the Luxembourg Garden
© Entrée to Black Paris
Bon voyage!