Thursday, July 22nd, 2021
Fine Arts Meet Superb Craftmanship in the 17th Arrondissement
Cover Image: Soukhos - "Cosmic ruffs" in 1st floor exhibition room
© Entrée to Black Paris
If you've ever debated whether sewing is an art or a craft, a visit to the Studio des Acacias art gallery between now and July 28 may help you decide.
Studio des Acacias Gallery
© Entrée to Black Paris
Soukhos is the creation of Raphaël Barontini, a French artist of mixed parentage who was selected for the 2020 LVMH Métiers d’Art Artist-in-Residence program. He depicts historical or fictional subjects from Africa and the Caribbean in his work with the intent to shine a spotlight on under-represented narratives in the history of art.
Barontini spent a year at the Heng Long tannery in Singapore, an establishment that is renowned for its expertise in tanning and finishing of crocodilian leather. Using this leather, silks, and other materials, he crafted the works that are presented at the gallery.
Visitors enter the front room of the exhibition from the street. This area showcases artworks and scarves (foulards) that combine elements from divergent histories and cultures into powerful images that are described as "creolized."
Soukhos - Front room of exhibition space
© Entrée to Black Paris
Ambassador scarf - Double-face printed silk fabric; steel stay
Raphaël Barontini
© Entrée to Black Paris
There are no information cards posted next to the items displayed at this exhibition. You are expected to access the names, media used, and other information about the works using the QR code that is posted on the information panel on a wall in the front room.
Soukhos - Information Panel
© Entrée to Black Paris
Two extraordinary saddles and numerous garments make up the bulk of the exhibition. You will find these works on the ground and first floors in the three-story building on the courtyard.
Studio des Acacias Gallery - Courtyard Building
© Entrée to Black Paris
Soukhos - Ground floor courtyard exhibition room
© Entrée to Black Paris
Horse saddle: Crocodile leather and screen printing - textile saddle cloth
Raphaël Barontini
© Entrée to Black Paris
Dominating the room on the ground floor is an enormous blue crocodile skin displayed on a bamboo and caning frame against a cloth backdrop that evokes thoughts of a river. (Soukhos is the Ancient Greek name for Sobek - the Egyptian God with a crocodile head who was believed to have created the Nile River.)
Crocodile skin over bamboo and caning frame
Raphaël Barontini
© Entrée to Black Paris
While perusing the works on the ground floor, you will periodically hear the melodic voice of hip-hop icon Mike Ladd. You'll need to mount the stairs to the first floor to find out why.
Mike Ladd credit
© Entrée to Black Paris
When you get there, you'll encounter four "cosmic ruffs" (see cover image) and a screen displaying a short, subtitled video that features "players" at Saint-Denis Cathedral in the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis. In the video, Ladd recites his poignant poem entitled "Saint Maurice" as dimly lit scenes inside the cathedral are displayed in succession. The words of the poem are displayed on a wall to the right of the screen.
If you pay close attention, you'll recognize that the players are wearing garments that are on view at the exhibition and that one of these garments is the "Saint Maurice and the Dragon" cape displayed on the ground floor.
Scene from Soukhos video (All rebellions succeed in spirit)
© Entrée to Black Paris
Ewedo Talisman Shirt
Raphaël Barontini
© Entrée to Black Paris
Scene from Soukhos video (This basin)
© Entrée to Black Paris
Saint Maurice and the Dragon cape - detail
Raphaël Barontini
© Entrée to Black Paris
The exhibition catalog is displayed on the third floor. The Legion of Thebes (silkscreen and digital prints on fabrics and crocodile leather) welcomes you to the landing.
Staircase and The Legion of Thebes
© Entrée to Black Paris
Soukhos catalog
© Entrée to Black Paris
The Studio des Acacias has mounted this exhibition in partnership with Reiffers Art Initiatives and Mariane Ibrahim Gallery. It is open to the public from Tuesday to Saturday, 11 AM to 7PM, through Wednesday, July 28, 2021. Entry is free.
Studio des Acacias
30, rue des Acacias
75017 Paris
Telephone: 01 58 05 49 83
Metro: Argentine (Line 1)
Access the exhibition virtually by clicking here: https://studiodesacacias.com/en/soukhos