Thursday, October 17th, 2019
5th Edition of the Award Ceremony for the Académie de l'Art Culinaire du Monde Créole - Part 2
Cover image: Gabrielle Laborieux, winner of the Grand Prize for Culinary Art
© Entrée to Black Paris
Last week, I presented the gastronomic menu created by the team of chefs that flew in from Mauritius to serve the attendees at this year's award ceremony in Part 1 of this blog post.
This week, I'm sharing news about the ceremony.
Eddy Murte and Sandra Mayotte presided over the festivities, introducing dignitaries, performers, and trophy announcers.
Eddy Murte and Sandra Mayotte
Screenshot from Outremers 360 video
© Entrée to Black Paris
Luc Laventure, President of the Jury for this year's awards, addressed the crowd.
Luc Laventure
© Entrée to Black Paris
Nicole Etienne, Secretary General of the Académie de l'Art Culinaire du Monde Créole, presented the new ambassadors and delegates who represent the Charente region of France, Mexico, Quebec (Canada), French Guiana, the Dominican Republic, Reunion Island, and Mauritius.
Nicole Etienne
© Entrée to Black Paris
Ambassadors and Delegates
© Entrée to Black Paris
Awards were announced throughout the course of the evening. This year's awards are presented below.
Trophée Jeune Chef Talent Coup de Coeur (Favorate Talent Trophy): for those who respect Creole culinary traditions and promote them through their preparation of traditional, modern, and innovative dishes - Kevin Minatchy (Reunion Island)
Trophée Jeune Chef Créole - Cuisine moderne et novatrice (Modern and Innovative Cuisine Trophy): for a young chef whose modern and innovate cuisine the jury wishes to honor - Hervé Thamar (Martinique)
Trophée Chef Créole de l'Année (Creole Chef of the Year): for exceptional men and women rewarded at the height of their commitment and talent in the promotion of Creole gastronomy - Reynel Trapu (Mauritius)
Trophée Traiteur Créole de l'Année (Creole Caterer of the Year): for the person who, through his or her catering activity, puts Creole gastronomy at the heart of events that do not have a Creole theme - Raymond Rambinaising (Guadeloupe)
Trophées de l'Art Culinaire Créole winners
Top Left: Kevin Minatchy; Top Right: Hervé Thamar
Bottom Left: Reynel Trapu; Bottom Right: Raymond Rambinaising
© Entrée to Black Paris
Trophée Littérature Gastronomique (Gastronomic Literature Trophy): for persons who contribute to the promotion of Créole cuisine through literary works - Noel Serge Chelvan (Mauritius)*
Trophée Innovation Economique (Economic Innovation Prize): for persons that the jury wishes to honor (students, researchers, farmers, restaurant owners ...) for innovative work which is economic in nature - Annie Germany Jean-Baptiste (Martinique)
Trophée de l'Accueil de Restauration (Restaurant Welcome Prize): for Creole restaurant professionals who offer the best welcome to their customers and who make the ambiance of their restaurant and the quality of their welcome a priority - Restaurant Chez Les Osias (Haïti / Madagascar)
Trophée Blog Culinaire Créole de l'Année (Best Culinary Blog of the Year): for the best of the Web in the dissemination of Creole gastronomic information -
Olivier Modely (Reunion Island)
Trophée Table d'Hôtes (Best Culinary Blog of the Year): for those who share the important philosophy of the table d'hôte - to return to the essential, which is encounters, sharing, and pleasure at the table - Françoise Dhondée Baptiste (Rodrigues Island [Mauritius]).
Trophées de l'Art Culinaire Créole winners
Top left: Annie Germany Jean-Baptiste; Top Right: Chez Les Osias
Bottom left: Olivier Modely; Bottom right: Françoise Dhondée Baptiste
© Entrée to Black Paris
Trophée d’Honneur (Trophy of Honor): for persons (whether culinary professionals or not) who demystify and passionately promote the recognition of Creole cuisine -
Lydie Bangou-Laurent (Guadeloupe) and Bruno Fortuné (Martinique)
Trophée de la Transmission du Savoir et du Savoir-Faire (Trophy for the Transmission of Knowledge and Expertise): for a young culinary professional who particularly distinguished himself or herself as an emerging talent - Peeroo Nizam (Mauritius)
Prix Spécial du Jury (Jury's Special Prize): for a person that the jury wishes to particularly honor - Precy Pitoula Sainte-Luce (French Guyana)
Prix du Mérite Créole (Prize for Creole Merit): rewards services rendered in the name of Creole gastronomy - Modestine Francis (French Guyana)*
Grand Prix de l’Art Culinaire Créole (Grand Prize for Creole Culinary Art): for a person, institution, or geographical entity (city, region…) that has particular distinction in the domain of culinary culture - Gabrielle Laborieux (French Guyana)
Trophées de l'Art Culinaire Créole winners
Left: Gabrielle Laborieux
Right - Top to bottom: Lydie Bangou-Laurent, Bruno Fortuné, Nizam Peeroo, Precy Pitoula Sainte-Luce
© Entrée to Black Paris
The Indian Culinary Forum presented Académie president Georges Garnier with an award as well.
Left: Georges Garnier accepts Indian Culinary Award
Right: Indian Culinary Award
© Entrée to Black Paris
India will be the country of honor for the 6th edition of the Trophées de l'Art Culinaire Créole.
*These awardees were unable to attend the ceremony.