Thursday, February 7th, 2019
2019 Black History Month in Paris
If you're looking to celebrate Black History Month in Paris this year, here are a few events that you're sure to find interesting!

Curator Raina Lampkins-Fielder presents the work of Los Angeles photographer ALEXANDRA GIBSON as part of her new ongoing project entitled THE ARK of CREATIVE IDEAS (Paris).
Photographed in 20 countries over 8 years, The Collective Dream focuses on the idea that our souls are the intangible breath of life that allow us to share in the collective dream. The sacred is found in each environment by obscuring the immediate personality of the subject to elevate the visual dialogue between spirit and terrain. The Collective Dream Series enunciates and underlines themes of spirituality, taboo, and sexuality.
VERNISSAGE (OPENING): Tuesday, 12 February, 6 PM - 9 PM
A conversation with the artist will be held at 7:30 PM.
Reservations are required: RSVP@SILENCIO-CLUB.COM
142, rue Montmartre
75002 Paris
For additional information, contact Raina Lampkins Fielder:
Phone: +33.(0)
E-mail: rainalf@gmail.com
American Library in Paris
Panel Discussion on Race and Identity
On the evening of February 12, a panel consisting of author Thomas Chatterton Williams, writer and editor Alexander Hurst, and entrepreneur Lucie Camara will consider questions relating to racial identity and its national fluidity across geographic and social spaces in Africa, Europe, and the United States. Sharing their experiences of measuring and defining themselves on a sliding scale of blackness and whiteness, measured at times as much by what they “project” as by the color of their skin, the panelists will discuss what it means to “pass” for both/and, or ultimately neither/nor, and how things might be different for the next generation.
The discussion will be moderated by editor Seb Emina.
The American Library in Paris
10, rue du Général Camou
75007 Paris
Métro : École Militaire (line 8), Alma-Marceau (line 9)
RER : Pont de l’Alma (line C)
Time: 7:30 PM to 9 PM
Admission is free (suggested donation is 10€).
Waymond Anthony Grier at Galerie Thuillier
Waymond Anthony (Tony) Grier and his artwork
© Entrée to Black Paris
Waymond Anthony (Tony) Grier has been showing his contemporary paintings at Galerie Thuillier in the Marais for several years. This year, his work is being considered for two awards - the Prix du Jury 2019 and the Prix de la Presse 2019.
The Prix du Jury exhibition will be held from February 8-21, 2019 and the Prix de la Presse exhibition will be held from February 23 - March 8, 2019. Their respective vernissages (openings) will be held on February 13, 2019 and February 26, 2019. Come to the gallery on one or both of these evenings and root for Tony to win!
Galerie Thuillier
13, rue de Thorigny
75003 Paris
Métro: Chemin Vert or Filles du Calvaire (both Line 8)
Time: 6 PM
PARIS NOIR: African Americans in the City of Light
at the American Church in Paris
On the evening of Wednesday, Feb. 13th, the American Church in Paris is providing a sit-down dinner in conjunction with a screening of the award-winning documentary PARIS NOIR: African Americans in the City of Light. Singer Ursuline Kairson and her guitarist will provide music. Producer Joanne Burke and partner filmmaker Julia Browne will be present to answer questions.
The event (including dinner) is free; donations will be appreciated.
American Church in Paris
65 quai d'Orsay
Tel: +33 (0)1 40 62 05 00
Time: 7 PM (dinner, followed by screening and music)
The church is a five-minute walk from the following Métro stations:
- Pont d'Alma (RER C)
- Invalides (RER C)
- Invalides (Lines 8 and 13), Alma Marceau (Line 9)