Testimonials: Entrée to Black Paris Blog


I just wanted to personally thank you for your Entrée To Black Paris web site. I check in daily through Facebook; always excited to read your wonderful research on Blacks in Paris. I'm filmmaker currently making a doc on the history of my family in Harlem. I'm a fourth generation New Yorker and my family has just celebrated the 90th anniversary of our brownstone ownership, which I presently work out of, and where I'm presently raising my three year old daughter. So you can imagine how much I appreciate and enjoy the wealth of history you bring to your site. My wife, who is also a writer, and I have frequently visited Paris for more than ten years and have discussed constantly the idea of becoming expats. Recently becoming parents have postponed that move of course, but we are attempting to try annually rent an apartment in Paris for a month. We desperately want Paris back in our lives and to also regularly have it in our daughter's life as well. Your posting on black history as well as black life in Paris continues to inspire the journey in my own life and I just wanted thank you. Hopefully very soon my family and I will finally get to reunite with our city, and possibly meet over a cafe. Thanks and Peace
Lance Cain


I'm Black and I Travel (a blog) Speaking of places to go, regular readers of this blog already know the ongoing love affair I have with Paris. If you’re not clear why, Entreé to Black Paris, will clue you in on some of the reasons why. It’s written by American expat Monique Y. Wells, and one of the things she does is highlight beautiful, creative black American men and women, each doing their own thing and adding their own glow to the City of Light. Truly inspiring stuff. Read this blog at your own peril, however. After the first few entries, you may feel a sudden, uncontrollable urge to start packing. If you do, give Monique a shout. She does tours.
Greg Gross